In resource management, scheduling tasks for your team is a big part of the job. And as we know, many of these bookings are recurring. To help you breeze through those time-consuming scheduling sessions, we’ve added new options for repeated bookings. It’s a straightforward update, but one that will instantly make your scheduling process smoother and more efficient.

More ways to schedule recurring bookings

Expanded Interval Options

We’ve expanded the interval options to give you more flexibility:

Now includes: Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, and Custom.

Why it’s great: Allows for more precise scheduling tailored to your needs.

Custom Repeat Settings

Get as specific as you need with custom repeat settings:

Patterns like: “Every 4th Friday” or “First Monday of the month”

Mix and match: Combine multiple options for those more complex scheduling scenarios.

Feature 1 Hub Planner Extended Repeat


Detailed Repetition Controls

Take full control over how often your bookings repeat:

Frequency: Choose intervals like every 1 week or every 2 months.

Day Selection: Pick specific days for weekly recurrences.

Feature 2 Hub Planner Extended Repeat


End Date Flexibility

We’ve made it easier to manage when your bookings wrap up:

  • Set an end date.
  • Specify occurrences.
Feature 3 Hub Planner Extended Repeat

No need to do it more than once

  • Time-saving: skip the hassle of manually scheduling repetitive bookings.
  • Consistency: Keep regular tasks on track, every time.
  • Flexibility: Adapt easily to different projects and team needs.

  • Error Reduction: Lower the chances of missing a recurring booking.

Want to learn more?

Want to try out Hub Planner for yourself? Sign up for a free trial.

Already a Hub Planner customer? Read more about how to use the repeat functionality in the knowledge base.


The custom repeat setting is designed to handle complex scheduling patterns with ease. You can specify intricate recurrence rules, like “every 3rd Thursday” or “the last Tuesday of every other month,” and even combine multiple patterns. This feature is particularly useful for managing projects with irregular but predictable schedules

You can customize how overscheduling is managed in your settings. You have three options:

  1. Allow Overbooking: Repeat bookings will be created even if they overlap.
  2. Pop-up Warning: You’ll get a warning before confirming any overlapping bookings.
  3. Disable Overbooking: The system will prevent any repeat bookings that would cause a conflict.

You have three options:
1. set an end date

2. After a specific amount of occurences


Explore more of Hub Planner

All the features you need to manage your resources and drive successful projects.

Resource mgmt

Resource Management

Streamline team scheduling and gain instant visibility into availability and utilization for efficient planning.



Measure the actual time reported via timesheets versus the forecasted time through the resource scheduler.


Dashboards and reports

Grasp performance, project costs, profitability, and team utilization in a comprehensive overview.

Project mgmt

Project management

Manage project spend, change resource rates, internal costs, profitability, and project budgets.

Capacity Planning symbol 1

Capacity planning

Save time scrolling through entire teams and quickly narrow down your team by availability or utilization levels.


Vacation & PTO

Handle team vacations and PTO with ease via the scheduler—request, allocate, and track leave with full reporting capabilities