Vacation and PTO

Manage your teams vacation planning and time off right from within the scheduler. Your team can request vacation as well as have days allocated for leave during the year. All tracked and fully reported.

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Hub Planner Vacation Hero

A complete vacation requesting solution made simple for teams looking for time off in the schedule.

  • Simple request forms

  • Inline make a request directly in the scheduler.

  • Assign approvers for different team members.

  • Custom allowances per individual team member

  • Time off in lieu integration

  • Vacation Dashboard for Everyone

  • Ability to approve directly from emails

  • Edit vacation requests

Hub Planner helps teams plan and request their vacations more transparently in the work schedule.

Key features for requesting vacation time

Resource mgmt

Manage all team requests

Manage all team vacation requests in one easy to use dashboard


Simply make requests

Integrated team vacation and leave requests directly in the scheduler.


Custom allowance

Custom vacation allowance can be set per team member.


Full approval flow

Set approvers for different team members to approve their requests.


Built in notifications

Never miss a request with email and slack notifications built in.


Public holidays & sick days

Public holidays and sick day modules built into dashboard.

What our clients are saying.

 The TOIL feature integrates well into our workflow, allowing for crucial downtime after peak project periods.

“Intense projects and overtime are a regular part of our work, often driven by the fast-paced nature of our industry. Time off in lieu compensates for these demanding periods, and with Hub Planner adding the TOIL feature, this becomes seamlessly integrated with the rest of our resource management. It brings balance and boosts flexibility, helping us and our employees efficiently recharge after demanding periods.”

image 86Peter Scott, Managing Director @Cityscape

Approval flow for team vacation requests

Default approvers can be set for groups of resources, which creates an immediate hierarchy in the flow. The approver is presented with multiple ways in which they can act on a request.

Hub Planner Resource Request Approval Flow

A dashboard to manage all team requests

The request table allows you to manage all of your teams requests including your own. You can quickly approve, reject, edit or delete a request as well as adding notes when approving or rejecting requests.

Hub Planner Resource Request manage all team requests

Requesting vacation time in Hub Planner FAQ

Every resource has access to their own vacation dashboard. This dashboard provides an overview of their time off, including vacation taken, remaining days, upcoming time off, and a request table. It also features a quick access request function for ease of use.

Yes. Indeed, you can via settings > vacation & sick leave > default vacation days.

Enter the number of days for vacation. This can be overwritten on a resource level. There are a number of default settings here you can opt to customize.

Yes – simply navigate to the resource modal and assign the required custom allowance.

Absolutely. You have a folder of reports available to you as well as the Report Builder feature helping you to customize the reports you need. Reach out to Customer Support to help you build the reports you require.

Yes. Simply connect using an API. Details available via settings > integrations > API

Indeed you can. You can manage your list of approvers individually or using Smart Groups.

Yes. Ensure to activate notifications globally via settings. Subsequently, set your notification preferences via my profile.

Explore more of Hub Planner

All the features you need to manage your resources and drive successful projects.

Resource mgmt

Resource Management

Streamline team scheduling and gain instant visibility into availability and utilization for efficient planning.



Measure the actual time reported via timesheets versus the forecasted time through the resource scheduler.


Dashboards and reports

Grasp performance, project costs, profitability, and team utilization in a comprehensive overview.

Project mgmt

Project management

Manage project spend, change resource rates, internal costs, profitability, and project budgets.

Capacity Planning symbol 1

Capacity planning

Save time scrolling through entire teams and quickly narrow down your team by availability or utilization levels.


Vacation & PTO

Handle team vacations and PTO with ease via the scheduler—request, allocate, and track leave with full reporting capabilities

Done with complicated software & spreadsheets?

Experience Hub Planner for yourself.