Resource Management Software for IT Departments

Manage your IT team’s time, handle changing scopes and navigate complex technical projects.

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IT Department Hero Image Hub Planner

Manage your IT resources time with ease

  • Easy drag and drop interface to schedule and shift IT resources time

  • Match team member to projects by skills, interests and availability

  • Flexible permissions based on your team setup

  • Reporting and dashboards to visualize your resource data

  • Pre-filled timesheets based on the scheduler

Plan resources, optimize capacity and navigate your technical projects

Key features for IT Departments

Resource mgmt

Capacity Planning

Filter IT resources based on availability, utilization levels, and date range.


Project Management

Manage project budgets, timelines and external and internal rates.


Skills Match

Quick overview of available team members skillsets, allowing fast matching to the right project.



Direct integration with the Resource Scheduler to automatically fill team members timesheets.


Real-time Reporting

Instant insights into projects, resources, utilization, spend and budgets.


Vacation & PTO

Vacation and leave management integrated into your teams schedule

What our clients are saying.

 The TOIL feature integrates well into our workflow, allowing for crucial downtime after peak project periods.

“Intense projects and overtime are a regular part of our work, often driven by the fast-paced nature of our industry. Time off in lieu compensates for these demanding periods, and with Hub Planner adding the TOIL feature, this becomes seamlessly integrated with the rest of our resource management. It brings balance and boosts flexibility, helping us and our employees efficiently recharge after demanding periods.”

image 86Peter Scott, Managing Director @Cityscape

Drag and drop scheduler

Click, drag and drop in the scheduler to allocate work or tasks to your IT team members.

Hub Planner IT Department Feature Image 1

Real-time project insights

Real-time reports providing a clear overview of projects, resources, utilization, spend and budgets

IT Consultancy Reports Hub Planner 1

Resource Management Software for IT Departments FAQ’s

Resource management for IT departments involves efficiently allocating and optimizing IT staff across various projects and tasks. It ensures the right people with the right skills are available when needed to meet organizational IT needs, manage workloads, and deliver projects effectively. This process includes tracking staff availability, matching skills to tasks, balancing workloads, and planning for future staffing needs to maximize productivity and meet objectives.

IT consultancies need a Resource Management software to balance project demands with available resources and align technical skills with current and future needs. Hub Planner helps forecast new business requirements and avoid over- or under-availability of resources. It ensures efficient use of staff, timely project delivery, and enhances profitability. Ultimately, it improves client satisfaction by enabling reliable and effective resource management.

Yes, Hub Planner allows you to plan work based on different public holidays, time zones, and geographies. It provides tools to account for regional holidays and varying time zones, ensuring accurate scheduling and resource allocation across diverse locations. This capability helps in managing global teams efficiently and ensures that all project timelines and resource availabilities are accurately reflected.

Hub Planner offers flexible billing rate management, allowing IT departments to efficiently calculate project costs and manage billing rates based on different projects and resources.

Absolutely. Hub Planner provides real-time reporting and dashboards that offer instant insights into projects, resources, utilization, spend, and budgets.

Vacation and leave management is integrated into your team’s schedule, allowing you to plan resources while accounting for team members’ time off.

Yes, Hub Planner offers flexible permissions based on your team setup, allowing you to control access and editing rights for different users.

Explore more of Hub Planner

All the features you need to manage your resources and drive successful projects.

Resource mgmt

Resource Management

Streamline team scheduling and gain instant visibility into availability and utilization for efficient planning.



Measure the actual time reported via timesheets versus the forecasted time through the resource scheduler.


Dashboards and reports

Grasp performance, project costs, profitability, and team utilization in a comprehensive overview.

Project mgmt

Project management

Manage project spend, change resource rates, internal costs, profitability, and project budgets.

Capacity Planning symbol 1

Capacity planning

Save time scrolling through entire teams and quickly narrow down your team by availability or utilization levels.


Vacation & PTO

Handle team vacations and PTO with ease via the scheduler—request, allocate, and track leave with full reporting capabilities

Done with complicated software & spreadsheets?

Experience Hub Planner for yourself.