Custom Scheduler Columns Overview

The Custom Scheduler Columns extension in Hub Planner allows each individual user to add and customize their resource and project scheduler columns. The name column is always present and represents the scheduler view you are looking at, either Project Name or Resource Name. With this extension you can now add additional columns to the right of this default column and sort them accordingly.

This is a great way to view additional information on your resources or projects as you are scheduling. The custom columns are saved to each individuals own account and are not system wide settings, so you can avail of different amounts of columns and sorting based on your own requirements and not your colleagues.

Sort By Columns & Alignment Tools

As you would expect with these new columns, they come loaded with some nice new tools to allow you to control the layout and sort order of your entire scheduler. The tool bar in the options gives you the ability to define if you would like to sort on this particular column, how you would like the column aligned and what type of content do you want to display in this column.

New Types

The Scheduler custom columns extension is part of an evolving condition set. This makes it scalable as when new types of columns are available, they will be added directly to the columns drop down allowing you to combine more elements and create even more exciting display columns that are relevant for your business day to day.

Project Priority Columns
Resource Skills Scheduler Column

Resource Skills & Locations

Visualizing someones skills or location when scheduling is a good example of how these columns could work well for you. The additional columns can easily be added to the scheduler and defined as per your requirements. Now the scheduler can also be sorted by any of these fields. This is a nice way to group your resources or projects within the scheduler.

Saving Columns for Project and Resource Schedulers

Both the project scheduler and the resource scheduler views can have their own column sets saved. The columns are contextual as for project columns you will define more project centric items and for resource  you will define more resource centric items.

Installing Scheduler Custom Columns Extension

To install the Custom Columns extension, login to your account, navigate to settings and choose the manage extensions page. Find the extension from the list and follow the installation steps to try or buy the extension. If you do not have rights you should have the option to request this extension to be installed by an Admin with rights.


The extension license is based on an fixed cost per month or year.


Please login to your account, navigate to Settings -> Extensions to get a cost quote in your local currency.

Reference File

For more assistance on this Extension, please view the reference section.