Thanks for an Awesome 2016!

Delivering a software that helps project managers and teams all over the world run their projects more effectively is no trivial task, and 2016 really highlighted the impact Hub Planner has on teams globally. Hub Planners release strategy and feature choice was applauded by customers and new clients looking to get involved with resource planning and take control of their team.

As innovators in our field of Resource Management, we are nowhere without feedback; and our humble and transparent approach with customers has helped us seamlessly evolve and helped us shape and improve our services to make resource and project planning a much better, more rewarding and well-rounded experience. More and more mid to large size companies are now working with Hub Planner to evolve their internal strategies with teams and offices, an area where we have grown in strength.

2017 is going to be a very exciting year for Hub Planner, as we unleash even more powerful features into the Hub Planner suite of Extensions, boost existing functionality and maintain our slot as the #1 Resource Management software.

We hope all our customers and anyone interested in our services enjoy a very Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year. We promise to continue to deliver a great product and listen to you as our customers!


Stephen Martin & Team Hub Planner