
The usability when interacting with the resource bookings on the grid has been greatly improved following the introduction of our new Report Builder. The following updates have been made.

  • New Booking Menu Option
  • Ability to Generate Reports from Grid
  • Performance Optimisations

New Booking Menu Option

When you click each booking a small icon appears to the left of each booking. Clicking this button displays a context menu allowing you to perform all types of actions for the booking. This creates a much easier and faster way to interact with a booking besides right clicking or using the toolbar.

Generate Reports from Grid

A new option has been added to the tools menu and the bookings menu to allow you to generate reports for the booking you have clicked on. Hub Planner smartly identifies the resource and project you have clicked on and gives you options to generate reports for these. The options have also been extended to the sidebar options for generating groups, project and resource reports.

Performance Optimisations

We have refactored code, implemented some bug fixes so the grid should be performing more optimally.