New Quick Switch Navigator

The New Hub Planner Quick Switch Navigator is a great way to jump through the different projects, resources, events and groups. Hub Planner’s sidebar already offers you superior organization of your projects and resources into digestible groups. Often customers use these groups to represent departments, clients, locations to quickly filter that data into manageable pieces.

From the Resource Scheduler, The new Quick Switch Navigation allows you to quickly access that information by the press of your keyboard or by using the button in the footer to launch the navi.

Keyboard Shortcuts ⌘K or CTRL + K

Quick keyboard shortcuts to help you launch the navigation quickly.

Smart Suggestions

As you type, suggestions based on your query will be available for selection.


Footer Placement

Easily launch the quick navigation from the footer icon located below the sidebar.

Screenshot 2017-04-20 09.52.27

Use to Create

When no results are found, you can create a new Project, Resource, Group or Event on the fly.
