We are excited to announce the 2.0 update of our Resource Planning and Scheduling Tool on the back of last weeks UI updates and usability tweaks. Code named Vinegar Hill House after a friends restaurant in Brooklyn, we have packed some more great features into Hub Planner to make managing easier. 


Multiple Accounts for Users

You can now be part of several Hub Planner company accounts and choose which one you would like to work with on the fly. This is a great addition for users like Freelance Producers or Resource Planners scheduling different teams across different companies. If you are logging in to Hub Planner then you will be presented with a new launchpad screen giving you a choice of accounts to log in to. If you are already logged in then we will not bother you with this screen and you will proceed to the account you are already logged into.


Fast Account Switching

Users can now easily switch between accounts by clicking their name from the dropdown menu and then selecting the account they would like to use from the dropdown menu.

1 Password

There is no need to logout and login again when switching accounts as you only will ever need 1 password. Once you are logged in you can freely switch between your different accounts.

Lifted Email Restriction

We removed the restriction that a user requires an email address to be added to the system and you can now freely add users to your planning tool without the need for an email.

Support for Multiple User Uploads

While we wait for the feature to be completed we want to bridge the gap and provide support for those looking to bulk upload resources. In your settings you will find a new link to bulk upload which will provide you with a template for pasting in your CSV. We will take care of the rest for you.

Refactored DB for Improved Performance

The database has now been refactored for better performance and security updates.


So Whats Next?

Well, you can decide that. We have a transparent feature suggestion board located here where you can suggest what features you would like to see next in Hub Planner, what we currently have planned and what we are working on.

If you would like to see a feature added then please suggest one here http://hubplanner.uservoice.com